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WIRF is one of Australia's leading organisations that is dedicated to improving the health of women and infants.

Dr Esther Adama

Dr Esther Adama - Research Acceleration Award Recipient

Dr Esther Adama

Research Acceleration Award Recipient

    Infant mental wellbeing – Supporting fathers’ mental health and wellbeing in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

    Infant mental health is directly related to that of their parents. Fathers, like mothers, experience psychological difficulties when their newborn is admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). These difficulties can negatively impact family functioning and infants’ mental health, yet most interventions to support NICU parents are mother-centred.
    Interventions in NICU to support fathers’ mental health and wellbeing are limited, despite it being a stressful environment for both parents.
    This project aims to develop strategies and interventions to support NICU fathers’ mental health and wellbeing. The proposed interventions will lead to positive mental health outcomes for NICU fathers that will in turn lead to positive infant mental health and family functioning.
For over 40 years, WIRF has conducted and supported research to improve the health of women and infants.

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Women and Infants Research Foundation
Carson House, King Edward Memorial Hospital
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, WA 6008

Telephone: 08 6458 1437
Fax: 08 6458 1642
Email: info@wirf.com.au

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