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WIRF is one of Australia's leading organisations that is dedicated to improving the health of women and infants.

Dr Joseph A Carpini

Dr Joseph A Carpini - Research Acceleration Award Recipient

Dr Joseph A Carpini

Research Acceleration Award Recipient

    Development and validation of the Proactive Emergency Newborn Transport Template (PENTT)

    Critically sick newborns in Western Australia must be transported to centralised neonatal intensive care facilities at either King Edward Memorial Hospital or Perth Children’s Hospital. Every year, the Newborn Emergency Transport Service of Western Australia (NETS WA) transports approximately 1,300 sick newborns using mobile intensive care units across the world’s largest geographical retrieval area.

    Retrieving seriously ill newborns from across WA involves both transportation and stabilisation. Transportation includes specialised NETS ambulatory services and/or the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Stabilisation occurs once the NETS retrieval team reaches the referring hospital. Factors influencing stabilisation time includes the severity of infant illness, required procedural interventions, and the availability of resources and facilities. It is estimated that up to 28% of stabilisation times can be reduced through effective coordination and planning.

    To date, there is no standardised stabilisation template to facilitate coordination and collaboration between retrieving and referring teams. This project seeks to develop and validate the Proactive Emergency Neonatal Transportation Template (PENTT) for use during the retrieval of seriously sick newborns. The PENTT will create a standardised stabilisation framework that facilitates the prioritisation of tasks, supports inter- and intra-team communication and coordination, and ultimately enables more efficient and effective stabilisations of seriously sick newborns across WA.
For over 40 years, WIRF has conducted and supported research to improve the health of women and infants.

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Women and Infants Research Foundation
Carson House, King Edward Memorial Hospital
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, WA 6008

Telephone: 08 6458 1437
Fax: 08 6458 1642
Email: info@wirf.com.au

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