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Symposium for women’s health

Symposium for women’s health

A condition which has a significant effect on quality of life for millions of women worldwide will be the focus of an upcoming ...

A condition which has a significant effect on quality of life for millions of women worldwide will be the focus of an upcoming symposium to be hosted by the Women and Infants Research Foundation (WIRF).

The 2016 Stars Symposium, The Pelvic Floor: Supporting WA women, will examine pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) and discuss the main treatment and prevention strategies for this major problem in women’s health.

Visiting Professor, Prof Don Wilson, Urogynaecologist and Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Associate Dean at the University of Otago, said that PFD could cause a range of conditions including urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
“With the changing obstetric demographics, PFD is thought to be on the increase and prevention of this condition is a major priority in women’s health,” Prof Wilson said.
“Identification of women “at risk” for future PFD, is a key element in current prevention strategies.”
Prof Wilson’s presentation will review the evidence supporting the view that pelvic floor disorders may be prevented or alleviated. Possible strategies include pelvic floor muscle training, lifestyle interventions and Caesarean section for those “at risk” women who are at substantially higher than average risk for developing PFD in the future. 

He has also led a research team that has constructed and validated prediction models using variables known before and after childbirth [UR-CHOICE]. These models now provide women, with their individual risk of developing PFD. They significantly advance our ability to counsel women, before and after delivery with the aim of preventing/reducing the impact of PFD.

His keynote presentation will be accompanied by talks from two local stars – Dr Nic Tsokos who will describe exciting local research studies on pelvic floor repair, and Charlotte Hosking who will talk on innovative approaches to pelvic floor function from her perspective as a leading physiotherapist.

The Stars event will be held on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 at the University of Western Australia, Banquet Hall. The following evening the Rising Stars event, a celebration and showcase of WA’s top emerging medical researchers, will be held at the Matilda Bay Restaurant.

The Stars events provide the Women and Infants Research Foundation the opportunity to showcase the most recent research findings in the fields of women’s health, reproduction and newborn medicine.

To register and for more details visit: www.wirf.com.au/stars2016 The Women and Infants Research Foundation thanks the event sponsors and supporters: Medela, Avant, SRC Health, Bayer, Boston Scientific and Postgraduate Medical Education.


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