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Memory Box donation helps Little Doves to soar

sharon-cropped-(1).jpgSharon Foster is not yet a mother, yet she has an unwavering passion to help women and families that have experienced the heartache of pregnancy and infant loss.

Sharon recently presented a number of Memory Boxes to the Women & Infants Research Foundation and the Perinatal Loss Service at King Edward Memorial Hospital to help parents who have tragically lost their baby either stillborn, or shortly after birth.  

For Sharon, becoming involved with Little Doves and creating Memory Boxes, was a very personal journey.

“I found out about Little Doves and the incredible service they provide through a friend of mine who had a daughter born at just 22 weeks,” she said.

“When I thought about this happening to me, I just couldn’t imagine the strength it must take to go on. To go home with a piece of you missing is just unimaginable. I just wanted to help my friend and the Little Doves Community.”

Memory Boxes are a comfort to bereaved families who sometimes have just minutes, hours or a few days to create a lifetime of memories with their child.

The boxes contain small blankets, wraps, teddies, photo frames, candles, small photo albums, flower seeds, face washers, beanies (from golf ball size up) to help the parents create enduring memories.

Sharon explains that putting the boxes together is an extremely emotional journey.

“I think about the tiny heads that will wear the beanies and tiny feet that will wear the booties,” she said.

“I get overwhelmed that the number of boxes I can produce just scratches the surface and I have to manage my frustrations of wanting to do more. But then I remember that I can’t do everything, but I can do something, and that’s better than doing nothing. The boxes are not a donation. The boxes are a difference.”

In her spare time, Sharon owns, operates and is the heart of Boho & Prosecco; the picnic, table styling & events company with a social conscience.

“Boho & Prosecco also has a charitable element, my human.kind project, where a portion of the years’ profits is dedicated to 3 charities, one being Little Doves.”

“I have an amazing network of people around me who have helped me collect winter essentials for our streetfolk, backpacks full of essentials and comfort items for kids going into foster care, Christmas hampers for disadvantaged families, food drives for Foodbank, and beautiful items for these memory boxes 2 years in row now.”

For more information about Boho & Prosecco, and the human.kind project, visit: https://www.bohoandprosecco.net.au/

You can also donate some of the items listed on the Little Doves Facebook page.



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Women and Infants Research Foundation
Carson House, King Edward Memorial Hospital
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, WA 6008

Telephone: 08 6458 1437
Fax: 08 6458 1642
Email: info@wirf.com.au

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