• Research
  • Discovery
  • Development
WIRF is one of Australia's leading organisations that is dedicated to improving the health of women and infants.

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest

WIRF takes seriously the need to ensure that researchers and other staff are free of any conflict of interest or other bias, in the course of their work.

WIRF therefore requires all new staff, and all existing staff who have had a change in their circumstances, to complete a conflict of interest declaration.

Any real, perceived or potential conflicts of interest are reviewed by the conflict of interest subcommittee of the WIRF executive, on a regular basis. 

The committee can find that there is no conflict, in which case no action is needed; or the committee can find that there is a real or potential or perceived conflict, and request that an agreed plan be put in place to mitigate that real or potential or perceived conflict.

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Contact details

Women and Infants Research Foundation
Carson House, King Edward Memorial Hospital
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, WA 6008

Telephone: 08 6458 1437
Fax: 08 6458 1642
Email: info@wirf.com.au

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